the title says everything


HTML, CSS, GitHub Pages

winter 2023

Because I had to study my exams during the winter break (which is a wonderful movie I've you haven't seen it! (I am talking about the French title, else it is called the The Holdovers)) of 2023, I had a lot of idea on "what to do else than my exams" and this website is the main consequence.
This is not a merveillous website with a lot of animation, colors or incredible projects. This is just the website of a simple man who wanted to make one. You won't find someone drivent by computer science, just someone who likes this topic and who decided to work in that field and to spend some time on his own deepen his knowledge.


Unity, C#, virtual-reality

autumn and winter 2023

This VR project has been developed under a class in 2023 in my engineering school, the université de Technologie de Compiègne, by Sarah Frémann and myself.

Träumer is an artistic and digital experience where the user embodies a character seemingly suffering from amnesia following the loss of a loved one. By embodying this character, the user gradually discovers their memories, glimpses of the past, and ultimately the origin and nature of this loss through different phases: the stages of grief,according to the Kübler-Ross model and its five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

Technically, this project presented a challenge as I hadn't worked with Unity before. I had to learn how the engine works, how to program using C# and Unity libraries, and, more generally, the basics of game programming.
I was personally in charge of the interactions, the GUI, the sound environment, and the general aspects. Sarah, my work partner for this project, dealt with the particle system, the shaders and the modeling of the environment.

If you want to, you can have a look at the written report of this project (written in French) or have a look at the source code.


Unity, C#, narrative story

autumn and winter 2023

This narrative project was developed as part of a class in 2023 at my engineering school, the université de Technologie de Compiègne, by Sarah Frémann and myself.

Traummacher is based on the same principle as Träumer but lacks a VR interface. It offers the specificity that the user is prompted to make choices as they attempt to recall memories, and these choices have a direct influence on the origin and nature of the loss, and consequently, directly on the protagonist's past.

This project, developed in parallel with Träumer, presented challenges in other aspects such as the dialogue system and the choice-making process.
I was personally in charge of the interactions, the GUI, the sound environment, the dialogue manager, and the ending letters. Sarah, my work partner for this project, dealt with the particle system, the shaders, and the modeling of the environment.

If you want to, you can have a look at the written report of this project (written in French), try the experience (link to a Google Drive repo) or have a look at the source code.


python, ROS, control law

autumn and winter 2023

This project was completed during the second semester of 2023, with the primary objective of autonomously controlling a vehicle according to a specific scenario. The scenario for this semester involved recreating a location using GNSS data and sign estimates to determine positions and follow a predefined path.
The project was carried out in a group of six, and my specific responsibilities included map-matching the vehicle's estimated position to the defined trajectory and controlling the car. In terms of car control, I implemented both lateral control and speed control. For lateral control, I simulated multiple control laws to identify the one with the lowest response time and error. Regarding speed control, I designed four nominal speed zones based on the curvature of the road and utilized a PID controller to converge to the required speed.

If you want to, you can have a look at the written report of this project (written in French).


HMI creation, Ladder, G CODE

from autumn 2020 to spring 2021

This competition was completed as a school project during my second year of my first secondary studies in 2020/2021. The primary objective of this project was to create a Human-Machine Interface (HMI) for a FANUC robot, and to program the robot using automatism languages: Ladder and G-code. All of that was, at first, simulated but we ended up going at the FANUC company for the finale.
The project was carried out in a group of four, and my specific responsibilities included the HMI creation and the management of the whole project (helping all the parts and integrating it in the Numerical Command). I also helped with the planning of the project, the task decomposition and the communication with the FANUC company and our teachers. Finally, we ended up winning the competition and were sacrified Gold Medalist of the 2021 edition.

If you want to, you can have a look at the written report of this project (written in French).


Automaton programming, Ladder, industrial behavior

from autumn 2019 to summer 2021

This competition was done as a personal project during my first secondary studies from 2019 to 2021. The primary objective of this project was to learn how to program automatons and to, in a short period of time, complete a task given by a jury.
The competition was realized in team of two, and my specific responsibilities included the programming of the automaton. Finally, I couldn't participate in the second part of the finale because of the classes, but we ended up winning the second place of the national competition.